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Main Tab - Additional Search Options

Search depth
Equal to
limits the depth of the search by the selected value. 1 means to look inside the selected location, 2 means to look inside the selected location and inside the first-level subfolders. And so on.
Size (KB)
Less than,
Equal to,
Greater tha
filter search result matching the selected size. The size should be set in KB (kilobytes).
Any of
Each of
None of
associated tags.
The "Any of" conditions means that at least one of the selected tags from the "Value" field should be assigned to the entry.
The "Each of" condition means that all the selected tags must be assigned to the entry.
The "Only" condition means that all the selected tags and no other tags should be assigned to the entry.
The "None of" condition means that none of the selected tags should be assigned to the entry.
Any of
the Physical Location field of the selected entry should be set to one of the selected locations.
Date Modified,
Date Created
the file attribute "Date Modified" or "Date Created" should match the condition.
Equal to
filters search results by internal catalog types.
The Value field may be one of the following:
Folders and disks - the search results should contain only disks and folders (in other words, to exclude files).
Disks and root folders - the search results should contain only drive records or top-level (root) folders added via the Add Folder command.
Files and other items - find only files and custom items (i.e. exclude folders and drive records from search results).
HASH (MD5, SHA256, CRC32, ...)
Equal to
Advanced query
filters search results by the entered Hash (or checksum) value. In most cases, when searching using hashes, leave the search field blank (means find all files and folders) and paste the hash value into this field.
Each of
finding duplicates by the selected fields. Read the Finding Duplicates of Fields and Other Entries topic for details.